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Woolen fur

The basic production manufactured by the factory is the woolen fur on a knitted basis.
All fur made at the factory " Texalana " is subdivided:

On % to the wool content

- Purely woolen (the wool content in pile is not less than 95 %);
- Woolen (the wool content in pile is not less than 70 %);
- And half-woolen (the wool content in pile is not less than 30 %);
- Synthetic less than 30 % of wool

On the rigidity of the basis

- Rigid, average, weak latex that defines the scope of application (footwear, clothes, plaids)

On the height of the shearing

On the way of furnishing (smooth pile, or twirled «like a lamb»).

The density adjustment is also possible at will of the Customer.

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